Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 672 - I'm Actually Just a Chef

“It really is moving!” Scheer’s eyes immediately lit up. The white water vapor billowing out from the chimney was raising the humidity in the room slightly. After a brief hesitation, Scheer climbed into the seat behind Mag’s.

If the steam engine was capable of doing what Mag and Hydle proclaimed it could, then it really was capable of changing the world. If that were the case, then the invention of this so-called train would be the first step of an almighty revolution.

Buffett Banks was still very much on the ascendancy, but she had already identified its limitations and maximal future potential. However, if she could bring the steam engine to the world, then a realm of infinite possibilities would open up to the Buffett Family.

It was one of her small goals to become the president of the Chamber of Commerce, and if she could grab ahold of this opportunity, then that goal would be something that she could easily achieve in the future.

Of course, thinking that far into the future would only make her get ahead of herself. The million-dollar question at the moment was whether this train could actually move or not.

“The train is very safe, but do be careful and sit tight, Young Mistress Scheer,” Mag cautioned. As he laid his hand on the control shaft, his heart was also thumping in his chest.

He wasn’t some seasoned train pilot. He only knew how steam trains worked, yet had never piloted one.

The method of operating this train with a control shaft was very simple, but he felt as if he wasn’t holding just a control shaft in his hand; he felt as if he were holding a magic wand that contained infinite possibilities. There was no way to predict what kind of effect a steam train would have on this magical world, and this lack of predictability was making him quite nervous.

Seeing as I don’t have any choice, let me be the one to change this world. Mag took a deep breath before pushing the control shaft forward.

The gears interlocked with each other and the small train tremored violently before the pistons set it in motion. As the wheels began to turn over the railway tracks, the train began to pick up speed and clunk its way forward.

Scheer’s eyes widened with shock and incredulity.

There were no magic beasts pulling the vehicle or pushing it from behind, yet this small train really was able to transport the two of them using just the power generated from burning coal.

Scheer had heard many reports from Hydle’s team in the past few years, so she had a basic understanding of the steam engine, yet she was still flabbergasted by the scenes that were unfolding before her eyes. It was incredible that this light and wispy water vapor could be capable of producing such a vast amount of energy, energy that could be harnessed and controlled. Scheer’s heart was also thumping wildly in her chest as she considered the possibilities all of this entailed.

She was unable to comprehend how this steam train worked, but she knew that this form of energy was consistent and reliable. Perhaps all tasks that required monotonous and repetitive manal labor could be undertaken by these steam engines in the future, and the entire world would be transformed as a result.

Scheer was struggling to imagine how immensely vast of a market that would be.

She knew that she had to be the first one to grab ahold of this technology.

This steam engine was going to give rise to the biggest revolution in the next few decades, and perhaps even the next few centuries.

Coal was something that was completely inexpensive, and there was almost an endless amount that could be mined from the wilderness of Chaos City.

The train wasn’t moving very quickly, and the wet and warm steam pouring from the chimney soon filled the entire room due to the limited space, resulting in a rather uncomfortable experience. However, this demonstration was already more than sufficient to show her the potential of the steam engine.

After traveling a lap around the room, Mag pulled the control shaft back to separate the gears, upon which the small train slowly came to a grinding halt. The entire room had been enshrouded in water vapor, making it very warm and humid, but also giving the surroundings a rather ethereal quality.

Mag disembarked from the train before opening the door for Scheer and helping her down as well. Their hair and clothes were all wet from the warm steam in the air, yet both of them were too excited to pay that any heed.

“Mr. Mag, this is truly an innovative invention. Your name will be recorded in history as one of the most brilliant inventors the Norland Continent has ever seen.” Scheer looked at Mag with undisguised praise and amazement in her eyes.

“I’m actually just a chef,” Mag replied modestly.

“As a chef of your caliber, it’s absolutely incredible that you can invent such a masterpiece of mechanical engineering. You are truly a phenomenal genius.” Mag had given her far too many surprises, and this steam train was perhaps the biggest surprise yet.

Mag didn’t allow himself to get carried away by Scheer’s praise. Instead, he kept a level head as he said, “It’s indeed very pleasing to receive such glowing praise from Young Mistress Scheer, but I was wondering if you were interested in my steam engine and steam train. In other words, would you be interested in a collaboration with me?”

“Powering vehicles through burning coal alone is indeed an incredible thing. However, it’s yet to be seen whether this can be implemented on a large scale, and that’s going to require extensive amounts of time and experimentation, which incurs a substantial risk in itself.” Scheer looked at Mag and contemplated momentarily before continuing, “Buffett Banks can offer 10,000,000 copper coins to purchase all of your technology surrounding steam engines and steam trains, and we’re willing to assume all risks involved.”

Even though Scheer had identified the steam engine as the next big thing, she still wasn’t 100% confident in its viability. After all, this was something that was completely new and revolutionary, and a massive risk was incurred by investing in it.

Success would result in immeasurable profits, but failure could also lead to severe losses.

As a businessman, risk management was absolutely mandatory.

“10,000,000 copper coins is indeed a very large sum, and it shows that you’ve acknowledged the massive impact that this technology will have on the world.” Mag looked at Scheer and shook his head as he said, “However, this is not the sort of collaboration I’m looking for. I want to collaborate with you as the Buffett Family has enormous financial ability and a vast network. I’m more interested in the future of this technology rather than to profit from it in a one-off transaction akin to killing the hen that lays golden eggs.”

Scheer’s expression became quite serious upon hearing this, and after a momentarily pause, she asked, “What kind of collaboration do you have in mind?”

“My vision is to enter a three-way collaborative relationship with Buffett Banks and the city lord’s castle. I’ll provide the technology, Buffett Banks will provide the required funds, while the city lord’s castle will provide the resources and protection. Together, we’ll bring the steam engine and steam train technology to the rest of the world.” Mag laid a hand on the slightly scorching metal exterior of the train. He turned his gaze toward the metal railway tracks with a hint of anticipation in his eyes as he said, “If we want to set up a railway network that spans the entirety of the Norland Continent to revolutionize transportation in the entire world, then funds and technology alone will be far from enough.”

Scheer looked at Mag and her eyes gradually lit up. At the same time, a peculiar emotion appeared in her eyes.

Mag was an exceptional chef who had also displayed outstanding talent in the area of mechanics, yet at his very core, he was a businessman, one with a great eye for the future and the bigger picture.

Scheer very rarely developed admiration for anyone, but she suddenly found herself in slight awe and admiration of Mag.

“Are you sure that the city lord’s castle will collaborate with us?” Scheer asked.

Mag smiled as he answered her question with one of his own. “Do you think the city lord’s castle won’t be willing to collaborate with us?”

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