Reincarnated as a Dog with System

Chapter 28 - Setting Up Base Part1

Chapter 28 - Setting Up Base Part1

After settling things with the group and making sure that everyone had a weapon in their hands, including Lu Chen whose powers were still unsteady, Su Yan turned around to finish the job at hand and rid the zombies from their floor.

He was not sure how many humans had turned into mindless zombies and how many had managed to maintain their sanity, but it was clear that they needed to take out these threats while they can and become as much stronger as possible without letting things get worse.

So the small group, including the cat and the dog, all clinging to their weapons as if their life depended on it, proceeded to move cautiously, peeking into every single apartment on the floor.

This was not an issue because it looked like most of the apartments already had their doors banged open, with the zombie inside damaging the door completely to get out rather than simply opening it.

But not long after, two apartments down from where they were standing, the door suddenly opened up and a couple of elderly people dashed towards them, their eyes entirely whited out with a strange glow.

[Ding. Mana Zombie; Level 1]

[Ding. Mana Zombie; Level 2]

Qin Hua quickly inspected the two zombies and saw that they were lower level ones. So she licked her lips ready to jump into action.

Lu Chen as well had an ice spear ready to go in his hand as these two zombies had relatively lower speed. Their movements were also rather slow and sluggish.

"Wait." Su Yan raised his hand to stop Lu Chen and then looked at the other three. "Can you guys tell that these two are very weak? Try dealing with them by yourself."

Ah! Xu Meilin instantly stiffened up.

"This… I feel like we are taking unnecessary risk, young man." Nan Zhong mumbled, also not pleased with what was happening.

Alex as well was clearly nervous but she clutched her knife tightly and took a step forward, swinging at the elderly male zombie who had reached them first.

Kacha! The knife cut the old man\'s chest, blood splurging out of it, which then Alex used and slashed at the same area completely injuring the man.

The zombie was tremendously weakened and fell down stumbling, the other elderly female zombie reaching them at the same time.

Seeing how Alex had bravely faced the monster, Xu Meilin suddenly felt a surge of confidence and also came to the front holding her butcher\'s knife.

She, however, became flustered as soon as the zombie let out a loud roar and started madly waving the huge butcher\'s knife.

"Ahhh!" Nan Zhong screamed and ducked down, the man almost injured by the young girl\'s actions. "What the heck are you closing your eyes for???" He shouted in exasperation.

"Mei Mei. Calm down." Lu Chen quickly came to help, but their remarks made the young girl snap her eyes back open and she threw the knife at the zombie in a panic, coincidentally hitting it right in the middle of its head and finishing it off in one swing.

[What the heck is her luck???] Qin Hua rolled her eyes, but then at least both the parties made an effort. So she was fine with the outcome.

[Of course… except for you!] She looked at the middle-aged man still squatting on the corridor, next to her. She gave him a smug look, which made the guy frown at her and then turned around.

"You both did great. Now dig out the white cores." Su Yan helped Meilin take out hers as her hand was still shaking, while Alex had already taken hers out. Both the women held their respective cores in their hand, which were instantly absorbed.

"Hmm… I don\'t feel much different." Alex muttered.

[That\'s because it\'s a level 1 core dummy! Woof! Let\'s go!!! I want to become stronger!!!] Qin Hua impatiently started barking and jumping up and down, slightly ticked off that these slow pokes were holding her back.

As if Su Yan read her mind, he scratched his head and shrugged lightly. "Let\'s keep going. You will notice something when we hunt more."

"The elevator is shut down and the stairwell door is locked and more sturdy. So as long as we are able to clear out the zombies from this floor, we can relax a little." He suggested to which everyone nodded.

Things became much faster after that thanks to Su Yan\'s raw strength and power with which he easily overwhelmed the zombies and knocked them down a peg before the others stepped in to finish them off.

Since both the guys were video game addicts, they quickly adapted to the situation and started treating this real-life situation like a dungeon run with their in-game team.

Su Yan acted like the tank while the rest provided DPS, well some more than the other. Within a matter of minutes, Qin Hua gained some more experience points and all of them had eaten up several mana cores.

Luckily for them and unluckily for the actual victims, everyone except the five of them had turned on the 7th floor and the group managed to farm quite a bit as they cleaned out the entire floor.

Absorbing the mana cores helped refresh their stamina, focus, and energy, so tiredness as well was not an issue. Without any hitch, the group easily slaughtered their way through and still had the energy to do more.

"I think we should quickly head over to the next floors and clear as many as we can." Lu Chen wiped the sweat off of his face and excitedly exclaimed.

"Yes. I agree. We are able to easily deal with these things, but I am sure there are others struggling and stuck in the building. We can help out as much as we can. We also need the grind." Su Yan nodded.

"Eh? Are you crazy! Let\'s just wait here for help. Those people are already dead. Can\'t you see???" Nan Zhong tried to make them wait, but the group had already started moving and he could only grumble and follow them without any other option.

"Idiots. Naive idiots. Trying to be heroes and dumbly jumping into the fire." He irritatedly muttered under his breath, which Qin Hua clearly heard.

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