Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 1061 The Last Of The Novel + Important Announcement

Arthur looked up and found a great man standing midair. He felt a familiar air from him. He was a lycan, a mage coming from a higher realm.

"That\'s something I have to beg to differ with you… Snap!"

Arthur didn\'t like wasting his breaths over dead and worthless foes. Yes there were a lot of mages here, filling the entire world all around and in all directions. Yes there were many higher realmers here, but did they think they could stop Arthur by this?

Just as he snapped his fingers, a signal that was long known to Gege and his forces, portals opened all over the place.

The portals seemed endless, flashing in bright blue light. In less than a few minutes, a huge and grand army appeared, causing a big stir all over the academy.

"Kill, leave none alive," Arthur said these words in a low voice, but they were like death edicts coming from the mouth of a death god.

Facing all these bloodthirsty fighters, the gathered up army of mages here didn\'t have a chance at all.

The fight over the academy went smoothly and without any surprise at all. Arthur\'s forces were forged under the merciless pressure of many fights from all the previous clashes.

"Spread the armies, each going in a single direction. Let us control this world before moving to others…" Arthur flew higher in the air, watching the grand destruction and dead bodies of his enemies.

He didn\'t feel any sympathy or even a feeling of joy from this victory. In his eyes, if even the dark angel grandmaster came personally to attack him, he wouldn\'t find it thrilling anymore.

Arthur was already on a whole different level of strength and power from anyone else.

"Take Deem and Gor out, let them lead the others and start building cities here," Arthur said before adding, "let\'s start with this academy as a memorial and reminder for anyone dreaming about stopping us. As for the main city here, let it be in the ruins of the Dorgazire academy."

\'Got it!\'

From this moment onwards, it became a smooth ride for Arthur and his forces.

After five years…

The whole campaign ended at last. For five long years, Arthur\'s forces spanned all over ten worlds and controlled them. At this moment Arthur\'s empire became a huge behemoth. Even the number of his own forces numbered in tens of millions.

Midway he had the ability to fight on two different worlds at the same time. Not a single time his grand enemies tried to stop him. It seemed the last fight against him proved one fact to everyone.

Arthur… Was now unstoppable!

"Phew, at last," As the last world was conquered and Arthur linked it using his blood and bound it with his star map, he felt like a door was unlocked in his soul.

A sound of loud click appeared, signaling the moment of his fulfillment of the conditions to ascend at last.

It was a long and hard journey, one where he had to pay his sweat and bitter effort to reach.

His golden body was completed a long time ago. Right now Arthur\'s body wasn\'t blue, but golden blue with an intense halo of golden light surrounding his body.

"Let\'s go back," as he reached this stage, he didn\'t hurry to ascend, "let\'s go to the mountain city. Also bring everyone to witness the process."


A portal opened in front of him. Once passed through it, he found himself standing once again where everything started.

Arthur didn\'t stay there, but took a large tour around this world. He still held a lot of memories regarding his past adventure here.

In his mind, all what happened here seemed like a long drifted dream. This world witnessed the establishment of his first army, his first city, and also his first clashes with the dark forces in grand manner.

His empire was birthed from this world, and here he went to a higher realm in a very frightening experience.

After taking his time, Arthur returned to his mountain city. All his friends, generals, and even his necromancers and dragons were there. Arthur didn\'t feel too much about this process of ascension. After all there were a lot of higher realmers coming from high realms to here.

So what if he ascended to another realm? A higher realm? He would always return here and help his empire to expand its roots in the higher realms, just like what he did in the lower realms.

But he never expected that this ascension was different, much different than what he initially thought.

"I know words can\'t express my true feelings, you all withstood with me and faced many hardships side by side with me. I can say just one thing: thanks. Thanks for everything you did to me before, and I hope you continue working hard until the next time we meet."

Without any prior agreement, everyone had tears erupting from their eyes. Without any arrangement, they all knelt on the ground, saluting their grand emperor, the one who was known in the entire universe as the miracle maker Arthur.

"Let\'s do it," at this point, it was useless to say anymore. Arthur knew his men knew their responsibilities quite well. They would take care of his empire, his sect, and help in developing everything the same way they did in the past five years and more.


The moment he let go of that feeling he kept pressured inside, he felt a great rumbling occurring to the entire world. What he didn\'t know was that this shaking and phenomenon happened not only in this world, not only in his imperial worlds, but everywhere in this universe.

A big whirlpool appeared in front of Arthur, a portal linking him towards the higher realm in his view.

It was made out of golden lights, brimming with faint darkness and blueness from time to time. Arthur stood in front of it, looking back at his people, taking a last glance at this world, before finally taking a last step through that gate and vanishing from this universe.


At this moment, it seemed like the entire world froze. It wasn\'t only this world, but also the entire universe. Without knowing it, without anyone feeling anything, three specks of light appeared in this universe, in this world, just next to the closing portal which Arthur just passed from.

"I never expected someone to reach such a degree in such a rudimentary universe," a deep voice came from one of the three specks of lights.

"Me neither."

"Then what shall we do? One of those ignorant people managed to ascend to our ultimate realm."

The voices all went into silence before the first one to speak said again:

"I scanned the entire universe, it\'s still in its rudimentary stage. I can\'t believe such a universe gave birth to such outstanding youth."

"No matter what, he will face it hard in our realm. After all, he lacked all the intelligence and experience to survive there."

"I bet he can survive and even create a name for himself up there."

"Shut up! Don\'t tell me you have your eyes on him already!"

"What? Are you going to fight me on him as well?"

"Humph, why is it always the two of you fighting over those ascenders?" the first one to speak harrumphed, "according to our rules, we can\'t take in anyone until he creates a name of himself. Let him struggle up there and see if he can prove himself first."

"I believe he will be a good seedling. Just when the time comes, don\'t fight over him with me."

"Anyway it\'s hard to say he will survive the first phase up there. That phase killed many outstanding talents as you all know. Now what shall we do here?"

"According to the rules… We shall reward the entire universe. After all, such a rudimentary universe with no support or favor giving birth to such talent is something unique. This universe is scattered into many worlds, and the monsters here are without enough intelligence. Not to mention the scarce amount of energy in this universe and the grave lack of knowledge."

"Alright, this will consume a lot of energy from each of us. But it is worth it. I\'ll take it as a token of appreciation for that youth."

"Second, we are all going to pay our energies like you. So don\'t try to make yourself look cool here."


"Stop it you two," the first speck of light said, " we still need to deprive that kid from useless things belonged to this rudimentary universe."

"I\'ll do it!"

"No, I\'ll do it!"

"I\'m fed up of you two... I\'m going to do it and you prepare things here. Select another rudimentary monster universe and merge the two together."

The other two seemed to not like how things ended up, but the first deep voice owner seemed to be their boss or something. So they didn\'t complain and started to execute his orders.

"Let\'s see... Star map? useless... Garden world? trash! Tree of mirror? Not worthy to come with you..." the first voice started to scan Arthur\'s belongings for unknow period of time.

Each item he deemed unworthy would leave Arthur\'s body, travel back through the portal and move in a flash of light far away from here.

"Now let\'s start reforming this universe. From this moment onwards, the entire universe will be formed of three big lands, calling the three realms."

"It\'s a typical name, expected."

"No objection with me, I like classic names after all."

"Alright, let\'s start then. Also disperse seeds of all the known energies in our realm. As for the knowledge, if we have spare energy left then we can spread some essentials all over the three realms. Let\'s start…"

And like that the entire universe got reformed after being enveloped by an intense mix of energies stemming from the three specks of lights. Since this moment, the universe lost all its old self and welcomed a brand new experience. And this was all thanks to a single person; Arthur.


Author note:

Wow! It\'s finally over!

For almost a year and five months I kept writing in this novel. It seems like a long time but I can feel like I started it yesterday!

Thanks to everyone who ever read my novel. Thanks to anyone who wrote any comment, review, and even debated over my novel.

And SPECIAL THANKS for anyone who read through all the entire novel and reached this point. Thanks, without your support all this time, I don\'t know how I would have accomplished this feat.

I faced a lot of hardships thanks to repeated covid attacks, but thanks to readers like you, I managed to survive. So thank you and I hope you like my novel.

If you want, feel free to leave a review of what you think about the novel. I\'d love to hear all your thoughts about my baby.

As for my future projects, there will be two novels branching from this one. The first will be a continuation of Arthur\'s journey in the ultimate realm waiting for him. I\'ll publish this novel here, continuing after this chapter and will be marked all with Tales 2.

As for the second novel, it will be a separate one. It will follow a new tale which will happen ten thousand years after the reform of the universe into the new three realms.

This new novel will go by the name: Tales Of The Three Realms. Wait for it, I hope I can publish it in one month\'s time.

So, this is it! I hope you enjoyed the journey so far. And now I deserve a little rest. I\'ll resume Arthur\'s adventure after taking one week to ten days break.

I hope you all stay safe and have a good time.


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