Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 1028 - The Prison Of The Originals

Chapter 1028 – The Prison Of The Originals

A portal appeared silently in front of Arthur and he went through it without saying anything. The next moment he appeared in front of his originals, whose numbers swelled to a terrifying army of millions.

"Gege, assemble the armies and make them ready to move at any moment," he said before turning into his dragonair form and flew fast towards the gigantic army of his originals.

His speed was unparalleled after his upgrades. He didn\'t get to appreciate his new speed as he was burdened by what was going on right now.


Everyone of the originals knelt the moment they noticed him coming. Arthur wasn\'t in the mood to appreciate such a marvelous scene. If he was in another time, he wouldn\'t stand idle like this and would even take a large tour around this horrifying army.

A single original was terrifying enough to rival an army by his own. And now Arthur had millions of them. What army would stand against him now? No, the right question would be: what world could stand against this army in the entire universe?

But Arthur wasn\'t in the mood to think like that. The moment he got closer he stopped midair while his energy carried out his voice to be heard to all.

"I\'m now planning to attack the prison which held you before, and still hold your brothers and sisters, your families and friends. But I lack the way to get to that prison. So can anyone here help me in this matter?"

Despite trying to act normal, his anxiety burdened itself through his voice. Unlike what he intended to convey, his voice came domineering, crushing over the bodies and souls of the entire army of originals underneath him.

Unlike what he expected, the next moments went all in silence before mighty roars came from all the originals down below without exception. Each one of them raised both fists high in the air, giving a savage expression over their faces.

"Our lord is mighty and merciful, just and benevelounce," without prior arrangement, everyone of the original shouted at the same time with such weird words.

"What the hell…" Arthur stood midair stupefied by their sudden shouts. He was amazed and dazed by what they mistook his intentions for.

After a brief minute, he got what they all thought about. They mistook him taking such a step to help them take vengeance, help them free their comrades in arms and their relatives and friends, their kin.

Despite his desire to correct them, he didn\'t. He knew morale was above all, and even if he aroused them by mistake, he wouldn\'t correct his error and extinguish such a mighty aura in them.

Besides, his mission now would become easier. After all he was worried they wouldn\'t tell him such a secret, but right now his hopes escalated to new heights.

"C\'mon, calm down and tell me how to get there first," he tried his best to muster his act while waiting for someone to speak up.

"I\'ll tell my lord," one of the originals moved with his giant body. He knelt down first and kowtowed to Arthur thrice, as if he was offering up his life in return for this help.

Arthur stood in the air silently and didn\'t stop him or the others who followed. Like a plaque, everyone of the originals knelt and kowtowed to Arthur, expressing their utmost desire to serve him wholeheartedly than ever.

A fanatic atmosphere erupted all of sudden and without warning, yet Arthur didn\'t say no to such an unexpected result. He stood in the air waiting, like a monarch eyeing down over his loyal subjects.

"The prison lies in the sky, inside a secluded realm that has a gate high in the air," the one who started all this said without removing his head off the ground. "The gate lies above a big lake in the center of the world."

"Big lake… Don\'t tell me… it\'s above my city lake?" Arthur muttered in disbelief. He never expected one of his most beloved cities to be so close to the enemy in such a way.

At this moment his resolve to eradicate that prison up there grew firmer. He would never let such danger lurk above his beloved city. Even if he could find a way to leave this world and get back to his original world, he wouldn\'t do this now.

He would rather assemble everyone and lead them high in the air into that prison. In his eyes, if such a prison was left untouched then after leaving this world that hidden volcano might erupt and consume a lot of his people and cities in the middle of its eruption.

Before listening to these words of that original, Arthur felt frustrated by such a result. However at this moment he felt relieved. What would have happened if he left the world and that prison untouched? Who knew what damage the troops hidden in that secluded realm would do to this beloved city and world.

"Stand up," Arthur said in a strong voice, voice filled with desire for battle and real intent for crushing his enemies, "I\'m going to summon you soon to hit that prison together. Get ready, it will be a brutal war."

"We will prevail!" The originals all raised both fists high in the air once more and screamed with a mighty roar. Arthur gave them a last look before turning around and a portal appeared next to him without asking for it.

\'Such a world will be tightly secured and locked,\' the golden dragon said, \'I doubt you can bring many forces through it in the first wave.\'

\'Ding! If that prison was designed to keep the originals inside and not escape then I can imagine how tight and fierce its defenses are.\'

\'I don\'t know if the portals will work inside or not,\' Gege hesitantly said.

"Spread the word, all the generals have to select the most capable of their armies. Send them all inside the garden world. Evacuate the garden world from anyone training inside. I want my garden to be filled with warriors and legions upon legions of death. Inform Agnus to prepare the mightiest and deadliest war big weapons he created. Inform Deem and Gor to bring forth their deadliest arrays for this war. This war is going to be my victory no matter what!"

Arthur said all his orders while flying fast towards one direction, his lake city.

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