Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 1021 - Problem In Training

Chapter 1021 – Problem In Training

"Gege… How long was I training?"

As Arthur reached the conclusion about his future and knew how to advance to the higher realm, he decided to be briefed about the status of the empire and his forces.

And what he heard from Gege made him startled at first before showing a wry smile over his face.

The first thing he heard was about his absence for twenty years. Such a long time made him realize that he trained for the longest period ever since coming to this world.

Despite being here for twenty years, only two years passed in the outside world. Yet it was also a long period of time. Two years wasn\'t something small for a large empire like his.

During this long time, his people listened to his orders. The academies were all merged together under the single banner of his blue imperial dragonair sect.

The sect had been established for a long time. Each city had a big residence of the sect, a few miles away from the walls of each city.

The people of his empire got scanned already. Many discovered their potential at mage or cultivation, while fewer geniuses appeared to have potential in the two aspects.

Those geniuses were taken inside the garden world per his orders. According to the legacy he left behind, all with cultivation potential started to embark on the path of cultivation with steady steps.

During the past twenty years, all his friends and generals, those who he personally selected to become peak masters, already formed their golden pearl energy.

Of course they weren\'t close to his current level, but according to Gege\'s words, they all had ventured a decent distance into that path.

As for the newly discovered geniuses, few of them had already formed their golden pearl energy. That was something unbelievable even for him.

However even after twenty years, these people seemed not to show any signs of improving fast like him. Even his peak masters, all still far distance away from his current level.

According to the long report from Gege, the problem lies in the difference in the two sides of training. Being a mage required a different path than being a cultivator.

Only Arthur was lucky enough to have his dragonair mage path. That path seemed somehow similar to the cultivation path.

As for others, they were required to hunt monsters and feed upon their energies to advance. Facing their internal demons was a step crucial for any mage to become stronger.

Yet this required much time and sincere effort. Compared to cultivation, the latter needed much time of contemplation and meditation, plus a clear mind, heart, and soul.

With the presence of an internal demon endangering his people, they couldn\'t bring their cultivation to the desired end. The results of their cultivation was at first evident, yet later on they needed much time to get small advancement.

And that made many see this path as an impossible one. According to Gege, the number of geniuses asking to focus only on the mage route was increasing by day.

Arthur calmly listened to all these words without showing any anger. In his vision, the internal demon was a crucial problem that would stagnate any cultivator.

Cultivation was, after all, depending entirely on pure soul and mind. If the thoughts of the cultivator showed any distraction, then no matter how many decades the cultivator spent in his sessions, nothing would change.

"Get me out," without any change on his face, he calmly said, "and convene everyone of the peak masters together. We\'ll meet at the mountain city."

\'Ok,\' Gege complimented and didn\'t say anything more. In her opinion, she saw these people as mere fools.

But that was expected. After all she was one of those who watched Arthur\'s long journey, and knew for sure this path of combining the two ways of training was fruitful, not fruitless.

Yet she missed a small matter here. No one knew how Arthur did it. Not many saw Arthur training and merging both energies, or knew how far he reached in his own path.

But Arthur had an idea in his mind. According to what he heard from Gege, he realized he made a mistake here.

Without getting rid of the main problem here, the internal demon issue, no one would be able to become like him. He was optimistic and a bit rash about letting everyone become cultivators.

He mistook everyone to be like him. But facts proved otherwise. He was different, a different person with a different destiny and a different path than others.

Yet that didn\'t mean he would become the only person able to achieve the same result. He just needed to adjust the process of training, something he was familiar with.

After all, as a person with such a scientific mind, he knew that failure was the mother of all success. It didn\'t matter if he failed, if others failed, if his empire failed in the first attempt to get the golden pearl energy.

What he cared about was the lessons learnt from such failure. For him this was a golden chance, where nothing was encroaching over their chests or pressuring the empire.

What was twenty years for cultivators and mages? They were nothing. Even when considering that only two years passed in the real world. Even if twenty years passed out there, he wouldn\'t mind that failure.

What he cared about was his own thoughts towards correcting it. If it was a mistake without any room for correction, then he would be frustrated.

But that wasn\'t the case here. Just from listening to Gege, his mind simply found the crucial problem and started to draw a solution for it.

Just by listening, he already figured out what was needed to do. He just had to gather everyone up, modify the orders and process of training for everyone, then let them return and resume their training.

Even if his own solution wasn\'t perfect, he wasn\'t stressed or worried.. He knew he would continue monitoring and tweaking the solution one bit at a time until he finally reached the perfect state he wanted.

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