Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 829 - The Mysterious Crimson Red World

The moment Arthur\'s soul moved inside that weird force, he felt like passing through a portal to another world.

The world was filled with bright crimson red light all around. He stood in the center with his dragonair form while a spot of white light surrounded him.

He was the only white in such a red place.

"Where is this place?" he turned around before shouting, "anyone is here?"

His voice echoed all over the world countless times before it faded away. "Sigh, what the hell is happening?" he started to move around, yet the moment he took the first step he heard a weird sizzling sound.

And that spot of light surrounding him got a little wider.

"What just happened?" he paused as he turned all around. The moment he stopped, no sizzling sound happened.

"Let\'s try this one more time then," he took another step while paying attention to what was going on around.

The moment he took that step, a sizzling sound occurred once more. This time he realized where it appeared.

It came from all over his body, like he wasn\'t standing in the air but immersed in deep waters.

Yet these waters looked so pure and translucent, so light that he mistook it for air.

And the moment he moved and the sizzling sound occurred, the spot of light around him got a little wider.

It wasn\'t a significant increase, but he could already notice it with his bare eyes.

"What am I doing here?" he asked himself this question before deciding to keep moving around.

He knew this place wouldn\'t exist without an owner to hold it, and he would force that mysterious owner to show himself to him.

By force!

Arthur didn\'t hesitate to use his full power to move around. He even started to flip his wings and fly.

Anywhere he went to was purified. Loud sizzling sounds started to appear everywhere he stepped upon, and his spot of light started to grow wider at an alarming rate.

"So the light got bigger than the areas I\'m purifying… That\'s interesting."

He knew if he kept going on at this rate then he wouldn\'t need to do a thing at some point. His spot of light would be large enough to press over the redness around and purify it on its own.

However, he was slightly mistaken here.

After a long time of flying around non-stop, he realized that no matter how large the spot of light became, it never reacted with the redness around.

It felt like the spot of light wasn\'t encroaching over the world around, but it was simply creating its world of white light of its own and simply pushing the outer world outwards.

"So that useless white light won\'t help me at all," he couldn\'t help but take a deep breath before checking the world around.

"No matter how I see it, that world looks endless."

He flew for hours in his estimation, moved from right to left and from north to south. However no matter where he went, he couldn\'t even glimpse an end for that world.

It was like that world had no boundaries and he couldn\'t even reach one end.

"Then I\'ll keep purifying you then," he clenched his fists and resumed his flight. "It\'s a blessing I\'m not feeling any tired at all… at least it\'s much better than feeling that pain from before."

Arthur felt nothing the moment he entered this mysterious place. The pain he was tortured by before coming here ceased to exist like it was never there.

And Arthur thought about it countless times already, but no matter how deeply he thought he couldn\'t come up with a reasonable explanation.

Even this crimson red world he was purifying stood erect as a relentless rock he couldn\'t crack with his mind.

So he kept cracking it using his body.

The more he flew, the larger his spot of light became. At some point it reached such vastness that it could rival his enormous garden world.

And it didn\'t stop growing the more he flew around.

"Time to find an end for that place," after a long time of wandering around, Arthur took one direction and started flying directly towards it.

He was already growing sick of being in such a place.

At first he felt what he was doing was useful, yet at some point he dropped that thought. Nothing seemed to help here, even the growing white light didn\'t attract his attention anymore.

He took it for granted, the more he flew the larger his white light became. And eventually he felt like he was doing really nothing.

What was the use of that white light? What was wrong with that crimson red world? He didn\'t know the answer and he didn\'t know the purpose of what he was doing.

So he set the goal of reaching the boundary of the crimson red world and decided what to do next from there.

Even the idea he had once he entered here about the presence of an owner to this place vapourized fast. If there was an owner he must have been either legendary patient or mentally retarded to let him screw up his world like this without interfering or saying anything.

And so he started flying towards that direction with no care about anything else.

He flew for hours, even days without even turning around for once. "I won\'t budge until I reach that end," he kept telling himself whenever he felt despair.

Finally after a week of flying and purifying anything in his way, he spotted something different than the crimson red world around.

It was red, but it was a gigantic red wall. The moment he spotted it, Arthur felt like his soul got revived.

And he didn\'t hesitate to head directly towards it with his fastest speed.

If he could instantly teleport there he would, but he lacked that skill at the moment.

As he got closer to that wall, he suddenly realized how huge it was. In front of it he felt how really a mortal should feel when standing in front of an immortal, or a god.


Yet as he was busy inspecting that wall, he didn\'t see what happened between his white light and that wall.

The moment he got close enough for his vast white light to touch the wall, the light seemed to tremble without him noticing it.

He was totally focused on studying the wall and didn\'t notice the impactful clash between his white light and that wall.

Until a deafening bang erupted and his body was slammed mercilessly with irresistible force that sent him flying miles to the back.

And as he flew without control he could see the changes happening to his white light at last.

It was getting corroded and invaded by the crimson red energy, a first exchange happening between the two since he sat foot here.

And as a result, his white light kept shrinking from all directions at a rapid pace that alarmed him.


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