Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 818 - New Development

Arthur reached a spot where he was near to the sect. it was on a mountain peak that wasn\'t any lower than any peak of that sect.

It took him three more hours to reach there. Plus one hour to look around and select a perfect spot.

From his position he could see through the entire sect. The shields around the sect were all raised up, glistering under the dying rays of the sun of this day.

At night the army would arrive and start its assault on the sect.

"It will be a long night," Arthur couldn\'t help but mutter while hearing the latest updates from Gege.

It was about the actions of Amera and Nicole\'s army.

They arrived at their target just now. If they didn\'t, then in less than two hours the ground army should have arrived here, catching up the last hours of the sun on this day.

The moment they arrived, they didn\'t hesitate to launch a full out assault over the ground army.

Giants stood erect despite their lack of numbers and continued to dig a path through the mountains around. The ground army turned its attention to stop the attackers.

Yet they couldn\'t stop their attacks at all.

Amera made sure to use the element of surprise to launch a full assault.

"I should see this with my own eyes," Arthur gave a deep glance at the nearby sect. people there looked like tiny dots, ants running all over the place in such a chaotic manner.

It seemed they were ready for a fight at any moment. That made Arthur quite relieved of their ability to buy him sometime and put more pressure over Jim and his traitors.

Arthur closed his eyes and entered into his garden world. He appeared just in front of the mirror tree. The smaller trees didn\'t look any different now, which meant they would need more time to grow up.

Then he entered the mirror world without any hesitation.

The screen appeared in front of his eyes and started to show live feedback from the war happening tens of miles away.

Amera appeared on the screen leading her men towards the ground army. She valiantly darted with a group of selected elites, creating paths for other mages to pour in.

She seemed not to fear death. Anywhere she went, a flash of red fire appeared and her spear shattered any enemy standing in her way.

But there were too many out there to kill.

"Like that she can end the war alone," Arthur couldn\'t help but laugh. He was happy but also worried.

If he thought for a single moment that this was the plans of his enemies then he would be a fool. He knew his enemy was treacherous and there was no way for such an enemy to not calculate for such a scenario.

And he was right in his own worries.

The next hour things kept heading towards their victory. The ground forces tried everything, distant attacks, arrays, wide attacks, and even suicidal attacks to stop her and her army.

However all their attempts were shattered in front of Amera\'s persistence and bravery.

She was such a skilled mage that could face hundreds of enemies without being shaken. She kept pushing her way forward no matter what, traversing the battleground from right to left and from front to rear.

And the deadly blow she did to the enemy was by taking the last few giants standing at the forefront.

Like this despite being so near to the sect, tens of mountains stood in between them and their goal.

And like this they couldn\'t march a single mile without getting targeted by Amera and her forces. Or by Arthur and his forces. Or even by the sect and its forces.

It was a game over for them if nothing happened to change this outcome.

"This is the moment…" Arthur slowly said while watching in vigilance the changes he anticipated. "They can\'t let all their efforts be wasted like this."

He watched every corner of the battlefield with keen senses while looking for the place where the first change would appear.

And as he expected, in less than ten minutes the first signs of new changes appeared at that war.

"A portal?"

All of sudden a small flash of light shone brightly over the heads of everyone. It came from nowhere and appeared like a tiny and harmless speck of light.

However for Arthur he knew this wasn\'t something usual; it was a portal.

In the next few minutes, this tiny speck of light expanded and formed a giant whirlpool that took all over the sky. The entire sky changed and only the raging waves of the portal appeared on top of each one\'s head.

It was a deep purple portal, something he never saw before.

"Do you know what that is?" he asked all of his three beings without pointing them out to anyone.

Yet he had a feeling that a certain voice would answer his question, and he was right in his guess.

\'This is a one in lifetime portal,\' the golden dragon slowly said, \'it\'s a portal that transcends worlds and connects a higher realm with a lower one.\'

"So they are going to come," Arthur wasn\'t fazed by this change, "at last."

\'What should we do?\' Gege asked in doubt, \'I can already feel the change of energy in the entire world because of it.\'

\'Ding! This energy disruption can\'t continue,\' the system suddenly warned, \'Ding! it\'s way over the ability of this world to handle.\'

Arthur realized something. "Will the world say that?" he couldn\'t think of anyone to give such a warning other than her.

Even his system couldn\'t predict such a thing.

These words meant only one thing; the world here wasn\'t going to be invaded… it was going to explode.

\'Ding! She is trying her best to balance the energy,\' the system said, \'Ding! however the longer the portal persists the more danger we\'ll face.\'

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