Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 575 - The Main Army Arrives

"Amazing, I like this little one," he laughed while taking the pillar away. His plan didn\'t depend over the pillar to cause a difference, he only used it to crack a hole inside this tight shield and create more chaos.

"I hope this will be enough," Arthur muttered while entering inside the inner zone of the academy. The area he breached was now filled with fire, explosions, and death.

Many grand buildings were now turned into a pile or rubbles. He walked alone for quite some time before he finally spotted the first response from the academy.

"Another shield?" he was surprised to see another shield in front of him.

\'This means they want to stall for time,\' the golden dragon said.

\'Ding! There is no one outside this shield. I suppose everyone is inside that bubble and waiting for reinforcements to arrive.\'

\'Let\'s crack it then,\' Gege laughed.

"No," Arthur shook his head while turning around to leave, "they aren\'t the target."

\'One way or another it\'s all about them,\' Gege stubbornly said.

"But not now, the time isn\'t right."

Arthur returned to the inner academy zone again before he found nothing worth destroying or killing before returning to the outer zone again.

There he found a huge battle going on between the three girls and a huge number of disciples and masters left behind by the army and the higher ups of the academy.

In front of him his three girls were quite pressured by the enemies. "It\'s time for me to wrap things here," he muttered before adding, "summon the dragons."

The next instant over five hundred dragons appeared around him. He didn\'t stop using his dragomancer ability during the past days, and his small dragon army just got a slight increase in number and massive increase in strength.

He used the corpses of those coming from higher realms to form his new dragons. He still had thousands of them inside his garden and he planned to turn them all into dragons as soon as possible.

"Attack," he simply gave the order before he flew directly towards a nearby flying disciples and masters where he landed upon their heads with his superb speed and rained them with his fire breaths.




No one managed to take a hit and lived to even scream. He kept firing his breaths everywhere, causing chaos and spreading death among the dense lines of his enemies.

From time to time he would receive some hits where he felt only tingling from them. His scales retaliated and plunged at his enemies to kill them all in an instant.

Simply he was like a moveable death scythe, claiming lives all the time without even getting much wounds.

"They are stubborn," Sara muttered in discontent while releasing her wind attacks towards a group of disciples. "Are they waiting for someone?"

"Probably the army they sent to attack my city."

"Impressive," she turned to him before adding, "I mean your calmness towards everything happening like they are moving the way you wanted."

He only smiled before hitting another group with his fire and killing them. "Keep killing them, the more we killed the better."

"For making those incoming restless and agitated?" she said in a meaningful tone.

"Perhaps," he only winked to her before flapping his wings and disappearing somewhere else where he landed over another group of enemies.

He kept moving everywhere using his speed while no one managed to stop his fires or scales. He didn\'t even need to take out his bow or use his spear and sword.

"They are so much weaker than I imagined," Arthur sighed while moving his gaze towards the safe and sound inner zone of the academy. "I should go there and cause some ruckus then."

\'I told you, they are the ones you need to kill first,\' Gege harrumphed while saying in a high tone.

"Tsk, but my aim isn\'t them."

\'Your goal is to kill all,\' she simply replied and he just shrugged before heading towards the central academy, leaving this easy fight to his girls and dragons.

His dragons were more than enough to deal with these enemies. His gigantic dragons caused more damage than any of these three girls, and he had at least two hundred of them.

"Let\'s see where you will hide next," Arthur smirked while releasing the final wave of arrows towards the pillar. The next moment the shield cracked open and he jumped inside.

"Wow, I didn\'t think you would be preparing such a party for me," he laughed the moment he entered as he was met with thousands of monsters of the same shape waiting for him alongside many masters and seemingly special disciples. "Kneel and declare loyalty to me and your lives will be saved," he shouted while the next instant his enemies moved, totally ignoring his offer.

"Indeed foolish," he simply sighed before the next instant he flew up high and went above those monsters.

He selected this academy first to hit as they had one simple and fatal weakness… they couldn\'t fly high. These monsters were like hippos, giant bodies and short wings that couldn\'t withstand flying these bodies for high altitude.

And so Arthur needed only to stay high above them and rain them with his fire breaths while they could only throw long attacks which mostly weren\'t effective against him.

His speed was unique and he totally depended on that to evade and attack. During the next ten hours of fighting here, he only had one deep wound and dozens of superficial ones.

As for his enemies, most were already killed and the few remaining were those who developed thick skin to protect them enough from his fire.

"I like your defenses, why not call it a day and stop the fight?"

"Never," the one who seemed the leader of this group shouted with much hatred.

"Sigh, don\'t be stupid. I killed most of you and can kill you in the next hour. Just surrender and live, fight with me and show the world your true worth," Arthur tried to crack their hatred and stubbornness while adding, "is your life worth this little?"

"Don\'t listen to him," another master shouted, "our dean and others are just a few minutes away."


This time Arthur\'s happiness was much bigger than the time he dominated this academy. "I should go and welcome them then," he flapped his wings to rise higher in the sky before adding, "if I were you I would stay here and observe the fight. Joining me while you still holding your lives isn\'t a bad thought."

He then left towards the distance where he spotted a group of faint brown monsters coming fast towards him. "They seem quite agitated," he laughed as he went towards the devastated walls and towers of the academy.

"I swear to turn your beloved city and academy into a much worse state."

As he just drew nearer, a loud shout came with deep hatred and much anger from a giant hippo running fast despite his body at the lead of this gigantic group.

Arthur only sneered as he knew this must be the dean. The group coming at him wasn\'t a joke. At least a hundred thousand strong mage and monster were heading towards here, but Arthur didn\'t care about them.

"Where are my beloved enemies?" he muttered while moving his gaze between the ranks of the angry monsters until his eyes shone with bright blue light. "Here you are, you got me scared here for a second y\'know."

He laughed wholeheartedly while watching a group of thousand monsters in the middle of the sea of enemies. These monsters were special, as their bodies were at least five folds of the body of the dean himself and their skin was covered with a thick layer of scales that made him realize how hard it was to cause a wound there.

"Are they ready?" he softly muttered.

\'They are,\' Gege simply answered.

"Good," Arthur smirked before adding in a vicious tone, "Bring in the cavalry, let this fight end fast so we can head towards another academy."

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