Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 229 - Crippling A Monster And Killing Another

The three attacks fell upon his huge body without warning, as the acid made his entire body ache and feel itchy everywhere, while the fire raged over the acid, making him feel weird.

The fire was his own turf, but this kind of fire seemed quite uneasy to him! he felt somehow uncomfortable, while his body pained in many places. As for the long spears of ice, they hit his body, crashed on different places, while feeling needles inserted deeply into his flesh.

"It\'s going to be hard, I know," he muttered, while not stopping channeling his energy, continuing to spray fire over all of them. he knew his fire was stronger, and his defenses were superior to their attacks, so he wasn\' t that worried, enduring the pain, and continuing to press on his attack.

The three monsters kept roaring in pain time after time, while their bodies ignited with wild fire, with many places being eroded by Arthur\'s flames. Arthur didn\'t stop his attack even for a mere second until an opening presented itself when that huge whale-like monster took a strong hit from his fire, and showed signs of weakness.

It couldn\'t support its huge body in the air anymore!

Its body was always living in water and ice, needing moisture to function perfectly. However, after half an hour of constant attacking, his body was dried up, and even his attacks started to waver; turning weaker minute after minute.

"I will start with you!" Arthur smirked, as he hurriedly flapped his wings vigorously to drive his body forward, descending over the wide and huge body of that monster like thunder.

Just the attack of his body drove this monster hundreds of meters down, and the next moment, Arthur inserted his two claws deeply into the flesh of that monster, while he opened his large jaw and took a nice bit of that monster\'s seemingly neck, ripped a large part of it, and then spit it out to fall into the ground nearby.

And the next thing he did was to release his channeled energy outward, forming a strong fountain of fire that seemed like a cannon from this short distance, targeting that area he just exposed!


A very pained roar erupted from this monster, turning it much weaker from Arthur\'s brutal attack. If he had more time, he would be able to completely finish it here, however he wasn\'t fighting a single monster after all!

The other two didn\'t stand by and did nothing! After Arthur stopped his nasty annoying fire attack, moved to hit their comrade, they also moved to attack him, intercepting his deadly attack on the whale monster.

Two huge monsters fell from the sky, rapidly descending upon his head. Arthur had to let his claws loose, jump over the body of that whale, and dive directly towards the ground, before spreading his wings to fly flat for a while, then flapping his wings again to rise in the sky.

And the two monsters totally ignored their heavily injured companion, which had no more strength to stay in the air, heavily falling towards the ground and strongly smashing head on with it.


It gave a very weak long roar, expressing its retreat from this fight. As for the other two monsters, they were hot on Arthur\'s tail, keeping attacking him with their acid and fire!

"Those two are really persistent," Arthur said as even after going left and right without prior notice, they kept following him with strange persistence. Finally he decided to do a risky move, flapping his wings hard, going directly and almost vertically to the sky, and the two angry monsters just followed suit.

As he reached a very high altitude, enduring all kinds of pain coming from the many injuries he suffered so far, he suddenly stopped flapping his wings, turned his whole body upside down using his tail, and his retaliation time had finally come!

He descended like an arrow over the two monsters, while his fire returned to directly hit them, using gravity, to fall heavily over their heads and eyes, extremely eroding them!



The two roared in extreme pain, while their combined attack failed to follow Arthur\'s sudden move. Arthur didn\'t let this chance go by so easily, as he decided to take out the most annoying one of the two; the dragon like bird; the acid sprayer monster!

"Roar!" Arthur roared ferociously as he hit the body of that monster heavily, while closing up his opened jaw over its neck. This monster had a narrow well defined neck that the previous whale, and thus this violent bite from Arthur managed to rip off most of the flesh from the monster\'s neck, exposing its spine.



Arthur didn\'t delay in taking out his deadly eroding fire once more, and this time the monster roared its last one on these lands, finally dying from this deadly attack!


The last monster standing roared, in anger and humiliation, as Arthur alone managed to cripple one, and killed another, without them being able to kill him. Arthur just raised his head to glance at the angry monster nearby, up above, standing there without moving, as if it was fearing to single handed attack Arthur.

"Are you afraid of me?" Arhur smirked, evilly glancing at this monster before shouting towards it, "If you want to live, submit to me, be my pet, and I would let you live."

He liked the idea of having another dragon into his own army, even if it was a cursed dark one! If darkness would be on his side, serving him, then he wouldn\'t mind using this darkness to help him achieve his good deeds.

The monster wasn\'t stupid, as it understood Arthur\'s words perfectly, however it only roared in pain, like it was struggling with something.


At this moment, a huge explosion erupted from one location down below, and Arthur turned his head at the moment to witness Tina finally breaking the final barrier surrounding one group of these dark mages and warriors, setting herself loose over them, finally able to vent her suppressed anger!

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