Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 86 - Meeting The Bounty Hunter Branches' Leaders

The process went on smoother than Arthur expected, as the new mages didn\'t take much time to finish their coupling process. When the night fell, everything was literally finished, and a rare moment of peace was welcomed in the place.

Arthur sat on his chair, as he was now waiting for Ron and others to finish counting the new mages, taking in their data, and recording them inside a big book. He knew the importance of getting things organized, and planting such a system from the start would save him a lot of trouble later.

As he waited for them, he knew his night wouldn\'t pass this easy, as those who would join him from the bounty hunter guild were now on their way here. he had many options to decide about how to deal with them, putting in mind they might have their own plans already, so he didn\'t think much about it.

What he was really considering, and thinking about every now and then, was that mysterious academy. The fact there were dragons living here, with many dragon descendants made him feel some anticipation to find that academy.

Was there such a hidden secret here, so hidden well that even the people living next door didn\'t know about it? or this was a secret that only a handful of people knew about?

He didn\'t know anything, and that made him be looking forward to his visit to that place. amidst his own thoughts, Omar arrived suddenly, without any prior notice, however his appearance didn\'t alert Arthur, as this was expected.

He knew when the guild\'s mages came here, Omar would appear. When Omar entered the room, there were some people behind him, three males and two females, plus Amelia, Randy, and Ron.

"Welcome to my clan base," Arthur said, as he stood up to greet them. He knew first impressions lasted forever, and so he wanted to appear humble, warmly welcoming them when they thought about this moment in the future.

"Oh, it\'s brother Willy, the one I kept hearing legends about," one middle aged man said. he seemed to be the leader of this group of mages, with a domineering aura of his own. His dark blue hair was long, but bundled together in two long bundles, reaching to the end of his back. He had sharp eyes, with a long and deep scar running across his forehead, slightly above his eye brows, forming a shape of a sword, a very frightening sword indeed.

He had a huge sword on his back, with a hilt so broad and thick that seemed to be a weapon itself. Arthur had a good impression regarding him, as he seemed to be a veteran man, who lived through hell of battles so far.

"He is Omgalden, the leader of the bounty hunter guild at the black raven clan," Omar did the introduction as he pointed, with much respect to this man.

"Welcome Brother Omgalden, sorry to make you take all this trouble," Arthur said, welcoming his guest again.

"It\'s quite an honor actually. My men kept telling stories about how different your ways were in training new mages, and I found it appropriate to come here in person and speak with you," Omgalden said in mutual respect, then he pointed to those around him as he said:

"May I introduce to you my friends here, this is Torend, the leader of the bounty hunter guild at Cesaly clan, and next to him is his right hand mage, and the strongest mage he had, Celi. She isn\'t someone you should take lightly if I were you, despite her beauty, her halberd is really sharp enough to cut any monster, and man."

Arthur looked at the two in front of him. The first one was another middle aged man, with no hair on his bald head, except for a few of them, which he grouped together in one bundle, dying them red. His eyes were very dark, very sharp, which gave Arthur an uneasy feeling. His nose was curved, like it was broken before, and his jaw seemed to be broken multiple times and poorly healed, leaving many indentations on his thin haired jaw and doubt edged chin.

He wasn\'t anyway taller than Omgalden, but with two swords on his back, he seemed rather far more dangerous than the latter. Arthur nodded in content, as this was another veteran fighter, another force to be added to his growing strength.

The lady next to him was much younger, roughly at twenty years of age, but her aura seemed more sharp than Torend. She was really a beauty, more beautiful than Amelia, with a taste of clothes that made her seem like a goddess descended upon this land. Her hair was thick, long, and free without any restraints, and her pale green eyes made a lovely contrast with her dark green and blue clothes she was wearing.

She had a long halberd that seemed so special, with a bloody aura emanating from it. what astonished Arthur was the aura around her, restrained, but deadly, like a monster waiting to jump at any moment to kill his opponent.

He admired her looks, as he knew much more beauties than her, far more deadly than what she was.

"Welcome brother Torend and sister Celi to my small town. It\'s an honor to receive you two here," Arthur said, with much respect to the two.

"Can we stop this now? I want to ask brother Willy to show me his legendary monster."

Arthur looked at the youngest youth standing amidst them. He had a calm handsome face, with no speck of dust on it. if he met him anywhere, he would mistaken him to be a son of a wealthy family perhaps. He was wearing tight armor, with long sleeves as his two arms were appearing outside the sleeves.. His hair was short, and his weapon was a long, broad curved sword that was hung on his waist without a scabbard.

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