Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 84 - The Training Of The New Mages Begins

Arthur just smiled, as the explanation of any array would be such a complicated task even for a master like him.

"It\'s a tool that can conceal anything inside from the eyes of any outsider," he simply explained, without delving deep into any details, "it\'s called an array," he added, as he went ahead and collected the poles, starting with the central and main one.

Once he took this pole, the whole array crashed, and she could see the area that was hidden. After he finished collecting everything, he gave the poles to her as he said:

"Take Randy with you and Insert these poles according to places marked in this map," he gave her the map which marked the place of the poles. She just took the poles and didn\'t ask for more, as she felt how profound and revolutionary this array was.

She then headed outside the hall, where he remained holding the main pole in hand. He then looked for a hidden place, concealed by thick curtains, and inserted the pole into it.

By the presence of the other poles roughly in their places, he knew the protection of his secrets was done. He then went ahead towards the garden, where Ron was commencing the trials on the newcomers.

"Ron," he said, attracting his attention, "send to the group protecting those who surrendered to us, and let them bring the mages here. also choose a group of our people, who didn\'t pass our test, and make them wait outside the boundaries of this town. Make them guide anyone coming to take the test to head into the fog, directly to here," he instructed.

"What fog?" Ron asked, with confusion on his face.

"You\'ll know later, just do it," he said with a chuckle. Ron just looked silently at him for a moment, before starting relaying the orders.

Arthur waited for half an hour until everything was set in order, the array was activated, and the mages captured returned to stand in front of him. he pointed towards the place of other mages to come as he said:

"Stand here with them."

The mages didn\'t disobey him, as they already knew how strong he was. Arthur watched them join the huge group of mages, before he started addressing everyone:

"From this moment on, you will experience a strong course of preparations, for you to be mages. I can\'t promise you anything, but the ones who would be mages will enjoy special treatment, for him and his family. Those of you who will impress me will have a chance to come with me to the dorgazire academy in less than one month, to have the chance to join the academy."

His words were met by a loud suction of long breaths of admiration and shock, especially from those who surrendered to him. they never thought, for even one moment that the dark fate they imagined would be the long dream any rogue mage would dream of.

At this moment, even if Arthur didn\'t ask for it, they swore to be loyal to him, to do anything just to make him satisfied.

"Now we will start the first step of being a mage, I will get out many monsters now, kill them one by one, and everyone of you will come to me, make a wound on his hand, and hold the organ I will give to him. others have to help those sleepy ones to sit, comfortably on one side."

Ron just nodded, as he understood Arthur\'s intentions. Arthur first gave them meat to test their abilities, if present or not, and now he would test if they were able to handle the huge amount of energy inside each organ or not.

If anyone couldn\'t absorb energy from the vital organ, then he or she wouldn\'t be a good choice to nourish in the future. He had a great amount of mages here, and he knew not everyone had the same destiny as the others.

Also he knew giving them vital organs without testing their affinities wasn\'t a good thing, slightly injustice to him, but that was all he could do in the time being, and he had to accept some might be abandoned due this.

After all, luck was also part of anyone\'s strength.

"Listen up, form lines, and stand organized. When I choose anyone to advance, be ready and step forward to meet our clan head. When I select some of you to go and carry someone, just do what I say," Ron said, as he started to take the role of Arthur\'s butler, the old role of his.

Arthur then didn\'t waste time, as he went to a place empty enough in the garden, and then he started taking out one monster after another. His ring was full of many kinds of monsters, ranging from one horned monsters to four horned ones. He just chose one horned monsters or less, which were enough to satisfy the needs of a few thousands already.

They were taking a place inside his ring, and doing so would make space for other stronger monsters to mate and give birth to new monsters. This wasn\'t a rare occasion now, as many monsters already did that, benefitting from the dense energy accumulating inside his ring from the heavenly treasure.

The first monster he took out was a tiger-like monster, without horns at all. Arthur didn\'t delay and used his sword to strike the head of this monster, who was covered in brown thick fur. Once died, he inserted both hands, feeling the organs inside, taking out its heart as he said:

"Bring me one."

Ron then muttered something, and one villager, a twelve years old one, stepped towards Arthur in shaky steps. Arthur just smiled to him as he gave the heart in his hands while saying:

"Don\'t worry, just hold it."

The hands of this kid were full of blood, as he injured himself deeply. Arthur just smiled, as he watched the kid take the heart and grab tightly on it. The moment he did that, the child couldn\'t stand anymore, falling on the ground losing consciousness, as he stepped his early steps on the path of the mages.

Arthur was feeling excited, as the first to come was a kid with potential to be a mage. He looked at Ron with his wide smile as he said:

"Take him to rest, and bring me the next one."

"What about this body?" Ron asked, as he pointed to the body of the killed monster.

"Hmm, take it to one side, and grab some of those who wouldn��t pass and teach them how to cook them. our mages need constant nutrition to get better."

Arthur then took out the second monster, and he got himself busy killing monsters one after another. It wasn\'t until the tenth monster when one villager didn\'t feel anything when he took the kidney of a monster resembling a big cow with a strong body and a very agile and strong tail.

"Never mind, go and do what Ron will tell you next," Arthur said, trying to console this twenty years villager.. The youth moved, dejectedly to the side, when another one stepped in and lost his consciousness the moment he took the kidney.

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